Our Media - National Radioactive Waste Coalition

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Featured Video:

Nuclear energy is not a climate solution.

All new nuclear reactors take 10-19 years or more between planning and operation, and costs 4-5 times per kWh as new wind or solar energy.

There is no such thing as a zero- or close-to-zero emission nuclear power plant. Even existing plants emit due to the continuous mining and refining of uranium needed for the plant. All plants also emit from the water vapor and heat they release. This is in contrast with solar panels and wind turbines.

Join the National Radioactive Waste Coalition

NRWC Launch Event Recording – Jan 19, 2022

Featured Speaker Excerpts: NRWC Webinar March 31, 2022: Nuclear Waste on the Frontlines: False Solutions and Guiding Principles ‬

Intro by Tim Judson:

Leona Morgan:

Deb Katz:

David Kraft:

Rose Gardner:

Report on Safer Radioactive Waste Storage ‬

Regarding the storage of spent nuclear waste, NRWC advocates for hardened on-site storage (HOSS). This interim report commissioned by NRWC member organization, Citizens Awareness Network (CAN), sets forth a strategy for robust storage of US radioactive “spent” fuel. This strategy should be implemented as a major element of a defense-in-depth strategy for US civilian nuclear facilities. In turn, that defense-in-depth strategy should be a component of a homeland-security strategy that provides solid protection of our critical infrastructure.


NRWC BRIEFING FULL VIDEO: Nuclear Waste on the Frontlines – False Solutions and Guiding Principles

NRWC Briefing March 31, 2022

EESI Congressional briefings:

Toward an Evidence-Based Nuclear Energy Policy: What Congress Needs to Know About Nuclear Decommissioning, Radioactive Waste, and Nuclear Energy as a Climate Strategy
BACKGROUND INFORMATION FOR THE EESI CONGRESSIONAL BRIEFING: TOWARDS AN EVIDENCE-BASED NUCLEAR ENERGY POLICY: Gaps in Research, Regulation, Policy, and Practice in the U.S. Nuclear Industry, and What Policymakers Can Do to Bridge Them March 30, 2021
What Congress Needs to Know About Pending Nuclear Waste Legislation November 13, 2020
Decommissioning: A New Era in the U.S. Nuclear Power Industry; a Critical Need for Congressional Oversight May 13, 2019
Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants: What Congress, Federal Agencies and Communities Need to Know July 16, 2018